Patient7- Blog- How Clinics Have Learned to Cope with COVID-19? 

Comment les cliniques ont-elles appris à faire face au COVID-19 ? 

Cela fait plus d'un an depuis le début de la pandémie de coronavirus. De nombreuses cliniques ont modifié leurs politiques et procédures pour aider leur personnel et leurs patients à faire face aux nouvelles réglementations. Patient7 est là pour vous fournir les outils nécessaires pour aider votre clinique à mettre en œuvre ces nouveaux protocoles de manière plus efficace. Patient7  est là pour vous fournir les outils nécessaires pour aider votre clinique à mettre en œuvre ces nouveaux protocoles de manière plus efficace.  

Patient7 Makes COVID-19 Questionnaires Easy 

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic, we have all been forced to take various measures to adapt to the situation. Practitioners and clinics are no exception, as they have had to find new methods of obtaining screening information to keep their staff and patients safe. Patient7 developed a patient portal, which allows patients to complete their COVID-19 screening questionnaires prior to their appointments. These questionnaires give clinics an easy way to digitally collect patient screening information, obtain patient signatures and screen patients while limiting personal contact to do so.

Some jurisdictions have mandated that patients complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire prior to entering a clinic. The screening questions should be asked prior to admitting a patient into the clinic, in order to keep the staff and other patients safe. Clinics could screen patients prior to their appointments by telephone, however, it is much easier and more efficient to send patients a link to a patient portal for them to log in and complete the questionnaire on their own. Patients could complete the form on their own time, in the convenience of their own homes, sign it and submit it. The results automatically upload right into their patient file, saving a significant amount of time for the staff. The additional cleaning protocols are already taxing your staff so making the screening process easier is more efficient for your clinic. 

Une autre caractéristique du portail patient, le questionnaire de dépistage COVID-19, est que, si le patient indique une possibilité de COVID-19 positif parce qu'il a répondu "oui" à l'une des questions de dépistage, la clinique et le patient reçoivent une alerte. Une autre fonctionnalité qui fait gagner du temps à votre personnel et peut empêcher les patients potentiellement positifs d'assister à leurs rendez-vous. Cela réduit votre risque d'exposition et permet au rendez-vous d'être disponible pour un autre patient.  

Voici un exemple de formulaire de dépistage COVID-19 pdf : 

Patient7 rend les formulaires d'admission des patients et les formulaires de consentement archivables en ligne 

 Patient7  offers your patients the ability to complete their intake forms online as well. Patients can use their encrypted, secure login and enter their address, date of birth, preferred pharmacy, medical history, medication list, allergy information, surgical history and more. All pertinent information is pulled out of the intake form and highlighted in the Timeline of their patient profile. The forms are also saved as pdf files in their profile. Consent forms can be reviewed and signed from the patient portal as well. Patients do not have to fill in forms and then have the staff deal with filing them, which reduces the cross contaminants between patients and staff. These automated processes also reduce the paper that patients and your staff have to handle and deal with, which in turn improves efficiency and saves you time and money.

Patient7 allows the Creation of COVID-19 Screening Notes for Patient Charts 

 Une fois le patient arrivé à la clinique, Patient7 clinic notes, allows the completion a COVID-19 screening to ensure the safety of the staff and other patients. The screening can either be completed verbally by the staff or it can be opened in the patient profile, given to the patient on a tablet, which can be signed and then saved directly in their file.

Patient7  and their team of software engineers are constantly updating and upgrading the technology. The global pandemic has forced us all to evaluate what we do and how we do it. Clinics have developed new protocols to keep their staff and patients safe. Patient7  strives to continue to provide its users with solutions to their clinical practices.