Finance Management

Patient7 simplifies finance management by providing user-friendly tools to manage invoices, payments, expenses, and taxes in one place. Transactions are seamlessly synced with client profiles, communications, and appointment history, giving you confidence in your financial record-keeping.

Detailed Features:


Effortlessly add all of your client’s contact details to their invoices or include third-party billing information.


Add your clinic’s logo to your invoices.

Online payments:

Patient7 integrates online payments for a flexible, mobile-friendly patient experience that reduces your workload and saves you time.

Custom payment types:

No matter the payment method your clients prefer, whether it’s a credit card, cash, public or private health, Patient7 allows you to create multiple payment types to accommodate their needs.


Effortlessly configure tax rates to apply to applicable products.

Email invoices:

Send invoices via email to clients or third parties with just one click. Keep track of which invoices have been sent and when.